Microaggressions in the Workplace

“where are you from?” “I think I’ll will sit over there“ “we need to give you another name” These are all types of aggressions I have personally experienced at the workplace. As an Asian female, I belong to a socially marginalised group and this created barriers for me at work. The prejudices of superiors, colleagues […]
How to support the mental health of your remote workforce now and post the coronavirus pandemic

I have found working from home quite challenging as I have missed meeting people face to face, I have missed the human and social interaction with others. We thrive on human interactions; it is good for our mental health. Human interactions with each other bring about chemical reactions in the brain and release oxytocin which […]
Women Only Leadership Training Programmes

As a trainer, I often get asked when delivering training to a group of women ‘isn’t that unfair or exclusive?’ The position of women in UK organisations has not reached an equal footing with men. This is my reason for supporting women-only leadership and development programmes. Organisations are finally committing to addressing gender parity and […]